

Question no.8

8. When a value is smaller than a field specified with setw(), the unused locations are, by default,
filled in with spaces. The manipulator setfill() takes a single character as an argument and causes this
character to be substituted for spaces in the empty parts of a field. Rewrite the WIDTH program so
that the characters on each line between the location name and the population number are filled in
with periods instead of spaces, as in


Answer By WAJID

//WIDTH program:
!// width2.cpp
!// demonstrates setw manipulator
!#include <iostream>
!#include <iomanip> // for setw
!using namespace std;
!int main()
! {
! long pop1=2425785, pop2=47, pop3=9761;
! cout << setw(8) << "LOCATION" << setw(12)
! << "POPULATION" << endl
! << setw(8) << "Portcity" << setw(12) << pop1 << endl
! << setw(8) << "Hightown" << setw(12) << pop2 << endl
! << setw(8) << "Lowville" << setw(12) << pop3 << endl;
! return 0;
! }
void main(void)
long pop1=2425785, pop2=47, pop3=9761;
cout << setw(8) << "LOCATION" << setw(12)
<< "POPULATION" << endl
<< setw(8) << "Portcity" << setw(12) << setfill('.') << pop1 << endl
<< setw(8) << "Hightown" << setw(12) << setfill('.') << pop2 << endl
<< setw(8) << "Lowville" << setw(12) << setfill('.') << pop3 << endl;
cout<<"\n !Press c to continue or any key to exit."< }while(getch()=='c');


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