RAVIANS COLLEGE OF SCIENCE PATTOKI: Introduction to Information Technology WEEK 6

Introduction to Information Technology WEEK 6

Summary of Week 6


Spreadsheet applications are computer programs that let users to create and manipulate spreadsheets electronically. In a spreadsheet application, each value sits in a cell. Users can define what type of data is in each cell and how different cells depend on one another. The relationships between cells are called formulas, and the names of the cells are called labels.
Once users have defined the cells and the formulas for linking them together, they can enter their data. Users can then modify selected values to see how all the other values change accordingly. This enables them to study various what-if scenarios.
There are a number of spreadsheet applications on the market, Lotus 1-2-3 and Excel being among the most famous. The more powerful spreadsheet applications support graphics features that enable you to produce charts and graphs from the data.
Most spreadsheet applications are multidimensional, meaning that you can link one spreadsheet to another. A three-dimensional spreadsheet, for example, is like a stack of spreadsheets all connected by formulas. A change made in one spreadsheet automatically affects other spreadsheets.

In this lecture we will be exploring following features of Microsoft Excel 2007 The Microsoft Excel:
The Microsoft Office Button
The Quick Access Toolbar
The Title Bar
The Ribbon
The Formula Bar
The Status Bar
Move Around a Worksheet
Go To Cells Quickly
Select Cells
Enter Data
Edit a Cell
Wrap Text
Delete a Cell Entry
Save a File
Close Excel

Entering Excel Formulas and Formatting Data: A major strength of Excel is that you can perform mathematical calculations and format your data. In this lesson, you learn how to perform basic mathematical calculations and how to format text and numerical data. So students will also learn about following aspects of MS Excel 2007
Set the Enter Key Direction
Perform Mathematical Calculations
Perform Automatic Calculations
Align Cell Entries
Perform Advanced Mathematical Calculations
Copy, Cut, Paste, and Cell Addressing
Insert and Delete Columns and Rows
Create Borders
Merge and Center
Add Background Color
Change the Font, Font Size, and Font Color
Move to a New Worksheet
Bold, Italicize, and Underline
Work with Long Text
Change a Column's Width
Format Numbers

Students are advised to spend time in lab to practice these aspects of MS Excel. In case of any difficulty get help from the lab staff.


Output devices allow computer to communicate with outer world including users and electronic devices. In this lecture we will be discussing about following topics:
Categories of output & Output Devices
Characteristics of LCD monitors, LCD screens, plasma monitors, and CRT monitors
Types of printer including nonimpact printers and impact printers
Characteristics of ink-jet printers, photo printers, laser printers, thermal printers, mobile printers, label and postage printers, and plotters and large-format printers
Uses of speakers, headphones, and earphones
Characteristics of fax machines and fax modems, multifunction peripherals, data projectors, interactive whiteboards, joysticks, wheels, gamepads, and motion-sensing game controllers
Output options for physically challenged users

Lecture Slides: Output Devices

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